☆리뷰논문, Strategies for re-vascularization and promotion of angiogenesis in trauma and disease☆
Gonçalves, Raquel C., et al. "Strategies for Re-vascularization and Promotion of Angiogenesis in Trauma and Disease." Biomaterials (2020): 120628.
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제목에도 딱 써놨고 리뷰 논문에도 나와있다시피 Vascularization과 Angiogenesis에 관한 리뷰논문입니다.
지금 저는 정독으로 약 1/4 정도 읽었는데요 너무 길지 않은 선에서 읽은 내용을 조금 정리해서 포스팅할까 합니당 (영어 요약입니다! 가끔 한국어 등장)
Introduction (summary)
Vascular Network
: blood circulatory system + lymphatic system
*lymphatic system: remove interstitial fluid, molecules, immune cells
- ischemia (hypoxia) ▶ dysfunction and necrosis!!
1. diameter > 1mm
2. injury or inflammation
→ weakening of vascular wall (syphilitic aortitis)
→ dissections, aneurysm formation *aneurysm: 동맥류, 혈관이 풍선, 꽈리처럼 부푸는 현상
3. plaque accumulation (atherosclerosis)
4. treatment: Balloon angioplasty (stent),
Bypass revascularization (graft - synthetic/nature origin or biological source)
:inflammatory & healing process (in case of healthy adult)
→☆Microvascular System☆
1. Angiogenic Growth Factors ▶ proliferation, differentiation, and migration of vascular cells
- Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) family
- vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
- hepatocyte growth factor
2. injection of stem cells or progenitor cells
- from bone marrow, peripheral blood, etc.
- ex) endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), hematopoietic stem cells
3. Gene therapy : pro-angiogenic molecule or recombinant proteins
4. Multiple methods
Especially, Tissue Engineering + Regenerative medicine
*vascularization in vitro
1) biochemical biophysical cues *1) & 2) : exogenous methods
2) perfusable channel network
3) incubation in in vivo model
오늘은 여기까지!
다음에 biology of vessels (혈관의 역할 구조 등등)부터 가지고 올게요,,